
Manuscript Catalogs

The catalogs presented here detail and provide access to Walt Whitman's literary manuscripts, held in more than fifty repositories around the world. With these catalogs we do not aspire to represent the totality of any one repository's Whitman-related holdings or to offer a finding aid for a complete collection. We aim to create an overarching guide to a virtual collection of Whitman’s manuscripts organized around the concept of Whitman’s "works" (known as the "Integrated Catalog" and explained below) and thereby to provide an unprecedented documentation of and access to the literary manuscripts of a major literary figure. To form the Integrated Catalog, we create individual catalogs for each repository, which are then combined to form the Integrated Catalog according to this overarching principle. Our mark-up is fully compliant with EAD (Encoded Archival Description), the nonproprietary de facto standard for the encoding of finding aids. For more information about our manuscript catalogs and an explanation of the Whitman Archive concept of a "work," click here.

Integrated Catalog of Walt Whitman's Literary Manuscripts

Catalogs for individual repositories


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Distributed under a Creative Commons License. Matt Cohen, Ed Folsom, & Kenneth M. Price, editors.