
Whitman Interviews and Reminiscences

Whitman Interviews and Reminiscences is edited by Brett Barney and devoted to the known written accounts of meetings with the poet. At present, these comprise 91 articles written for newspapers and other periodicals, 18 pieces published in monographs, and an unpublished diary entry. The earliest of these accounts was written in 1866, the last in 1919. Some of this material has been reprinted in scattered journals and collections, but it has never before been gathered and edited as a body. Those interested in such accounts should also be aware of Matt Cohen's digitization of what is by far the longest Whitman "interview," the nine-volume With Walt Whitman in Camden. That work is available here.

Barney, Brett. "Meetings with Walt Whitman: Interviews and Reminiscences."

Interviews and Reminiscences


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Distributed under a Creative Commons License. Matt Cohen, Ed Folsom, & Kenneth M. Price, editors.